Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jay A. Quine: Remember the Word "Anxious"

Philippians 4:6

“Don’t be anxious about anything.” Sounds like a mindless platitude. After all, I have to worry about my job, the economy, terrorism, wars and the near outbreak of war all over the world, my health, let alone my kids, their college tuition, and what to do for dinner tonight! Yet the Bible says, “Be anxious for nothing.” Ridiculous? No. For it tells us how. “But in everything by prayer, supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” This is Dr. Jay Quine. I know it is not easy to trust God. There is so much to be worried about. But remember this word, and talk to Him. He can take care if it… He can. Talk to Him, and with thanksgiving you may find peace in the midst of worry.