Christians need to understand the value God places on our work. These are not our jobs, but are a means to worship the Lord, for theBible says, “do your work heartily, as for the Lord, rather than for men.” Thisis Dr. Jay Quine, looking with you the Lord's instruction for your“work”. Work well done rises like a hymn of praise toGod. This means that the doctor on the rounds, the scientist in the laboratory,the teacher in the classroom, the musician at the music, the artist at thecanvas, the shop assistant at the counter, entering data at the computer, thebusiness owner, or board member, the homemaker in the kitchen -- all doingtheir work as it should be done are joining in a great act of worship. Remember, you don't work for yourself, even if you own your own company. Do your work as if Jesus was in your office--because He is!!!