Good reasons can be stated that there is a spiritual gift of hospitality. Many of us worry about seemingly every detail when they have people over that they make everyone uncomfortable and tense. They spend so much time being nervous that no one can relax or have any fun. But others seem to be able to put everything together, and effortlessly, and are able to enjoy themselves as well. When they have guests, they even have people help out—participate in the dinner, or in the dishes. Somehow it all works for them. The difference is dramatic. It is a spiritual gift.
I Peter 4:9-10 may be speaking of this gift.
Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
Notice, in the context of mentioning spiritual gifts, hospitality is mentioned in the prior verse. Although this is the only place where it may so clearly be found, hospitality seems to be a spiritual gift.
Conclusion: Hospitality is a special gift whereby the Spirit enables certain Christians to open their homes willingly and offer lodging, food, and fellowship cheerfully to other people.